Once they become well verse by return demonstration they take care of the patients without hesitation like giving injections, dressing, tube feeding checking BP etc.
In the paediatric lab it is taught how to asses a baby’s growth and development, how to assess symptoms of diseases using baby manikin and various procedures are taught as per the paediatric curriculum
Community health nursing lab deals with the procedure as per the curriculum for eg,Bag technic ,Underfive assessment,Antenatal and postnatal assessment. They combine with the primary health care centre in following up the national policies.
In our obstetrics and gynaecology lab our students are taught practically how to conduct delivery,care of newborn immediately after delivery,management of emergencies during labour and health education for mothers. how to care a mother before and after delivery. They are trained in obstetric and gynaecological hospitals along with primary health centres in villages saving the lives of poor mothers.
Through the mental health nursing lab, students are taught how to perform mental status examination,conduct process recording and recreational therapy .
Our students are taught how to cook for the sick, calculation of nutrients for each client and health education on healthy diet. Each year we create awareness to the public by our nutritional exhibition where our students cook nutritious food.
Simulation lab is a high technology lab. Here students are taught live savig procedures like CPR, dialysis, tracheostomy etc.
Sophisticated computer lab includes minimum of 20 computers with internet facilities and a computer trainer for training the students.
The models and specimens in our anatomy lab helps students to learn the different organs and its functions which is important in medical courses.